Thursday, July 24, 2008

(Ancestral) Home At Last

Finally arrived. Will spare you the details but let's just say that United Airlines didn´t make any friends.
It´s a beautiful day in Medellin. Here´s a map:

Hola, me gustaría compartir este vínculo de Google Maps contigo.
Vínculo: <,-75.592529&ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=x&ll=6.247339,-75.606521&spn=0.002362,0.003262&z=18&lci=lmc:panoramio>

In this part of Colombia, anyway, they don't have 4 traditional seasons like the Northern latitudes, they just have wet spells and dry spells, that they call winter and summer. As in, when it´s raining a while, they say "man, what a long winter" -- although in "winter" the temperature rarely drops below 70 degrees. Anyway, this most recent "winter" ended a few days ago -- I know because Alcides, the neighborhood grocer, announced to me this morning: "Winter is over". I´ll get around to the neighborhood grocer in a subsequent post.
We are consciously taking a day of rest, as we have several day trips planned for the next few days. Above are a few pictures of us and my dad at their house. Homes here are designed with natural air conditioning of open roofed atriums. The hammock in the atrium off the kitchen has already produced one nap, and I feel another one coming, although it may be the rum with lemonade we had with lunch that´s to blame.


Luis and Luella said...

Looking forward to the updates. Joaquin looks like he is having fun exploring. Is it possible to drop a pin on the house location on the map?

Unknown said...

Oscar, Betsy and children,

How special this trip is!! We are glad you are enjoying it and that the crazy flying episode is over. We think of you each minute. All is well here and the weather is heating up.
Love, Mom and Kelly