Tierragrata is the name of the farm thatt we stayed at for 3 days. Nobody is quite sure when it was built, but our friends purchased it about 40 years ago.
It has 6 bedrooms, and can probably sleep about 25 people if you include the hammocks. Currently it has horses, mules, chickens, ducks, and dogs (including a gentle German Shephard called 'Kaiser'), but I remember seeing monkeys and and peacocks there as a child.
It's a smallish coffee farm on the outskirts from the town of Bolivar where my parents were born and raised. More on that in the next post.
The boys loved Tierragrata -- all of them. Adrian loved running around, swinging on the hammocks, riding horses with his cousin (2nd cousin, actually, but you don't really make that distinction in Colombia, and as a result you end up with a lot of "cousins"). Nicolas loved the hammocks, horse-riding with his dad, and practicing his "Kung Fu Panda" staff techniques with the various riding crops hanging on the walls. Joaquin loved unfettered crawling around the many halls and outdoor patios, and trying to find Kaiser. Oscar and Betsy did a bit of horse riding as well, but after 2 days we were pretty sore.
One of Betsy's favorite parts of the house was the kitchen. It's about the size of our first apartment, with the greatest combination of farm-rustic original materials (wood burning stove, old tile and wood floor), and gourmet accoutrements (2 refrigerators, nice wine, Williams Sonoma-esque kitchen gadgets, etc.)