Earlier, I promised a post about Alcides, the neighborhood grocer.
Colombia in general, and Medellin in particular, is very entrepreneurial. Everyone has an angle, everyone has a small business. Alcides, who lives 4 doors down from my parents, sells groceries and sundries from his garage. Nicolas and Adrian have gone there every day to get candy. My parents get their milk and eggs there instead of driving to the supermarket. Incredibly eco-friendly.
If I had more time I would write an entire post titled "What the U.S. could learn from the Developing World about efficiency and being green" Examples:
- milk, mayonnaise, ketchup, laundry detergent, etc. -- all liquid consumables come in plastic bags (for milk, you have little reusable plastic pitchers you put the plastic bags in.) Drastic reduction in packaging waste.
- roundabouts instead of traffic lights or stop signs at intersections -- this is my favorite. Incredibly efficient. No needless sitting and idling and burning gas waiting for the light to turn green.
- smaller cars. 'Nuff said.
More pix of my parent's neighborhood (including Alcide's store) at http://picasaweb.google.com/oscardario/Medellin
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